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One-on-One Coaching

per session


Personal Consultation for Healthier Living

Session Length; 1 hour


Session can be done in person or by Zoom / Webex / Skype



*Kids Coaching ('Adventures In Wisdom' TM)

One-on-One Coaching

6 sessions


Personal Consultation for Healthier Living

Session Length; 1 hour


Sessions can be done in person or by Zoom / Webex / Skype



*Kids Coaching ('Adventures In Wisdom' TM)

Small Groups / Interactive Workshops

per session


Personal Consultation for Healthier Living

Session Length; 1-1.5 hours (groups up to 10)


Group size between 3-10



*Kids Coaching ('Adventures In Wisdom' TM)

The Healthy Feed

man texting
Smiling Blond Woman
Quality Time
Student with Tablet
Girls Talking
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